Flow Builder Demo

Based on the premiumplus.io brand

Social Channels

Deploy a bot built using Flow Builder and make it visible on your social channels to start deflecting those commonly asked questions.

  • Data capture
    'Transfer to agent' step does not show custom fields as a part of your flow
  • English only options experience.
    For channels like Whatsapp, quick reply options are not supported, and it will degrade to a text-based experience to list the options for the user. The bot will say “you can say” followed by the options you have configured. For social channels, this phrase “you can say” is not localized and supports English only today.
  • Greetings
    On social channels, the bot is not able to send the greeting message to begin a conversation. The user must speak first.
  • The same bot will be shared by all channels within a brand

Admin Panel

Widget API

There is a very limited API to change the widget.

Available API
  • Set Locale upon page load
  • Change Z-index
  • Disable Cookies
  • Show/Hide

API Documentation

Authentication and profiles

Authenticate your customers, also known as end users, to verify their identity and give them access to conversation history from anywhere, including other devices.

  • Creates new users for each Messaging Channel. Agents can merge but account names are not visible in Zendesk UI on the user profile.
  • For Social it only passes what the customers shares according to their privacy settings. (Name, email, handle)
  • No native integration with Help Center for authentication, JWT required, can be faked with Worker

Clear Cache

Since we enabled Remember History, there is a session ID stored in the cache of the browser to identity the user when he returns to the web page.